Emerging Adults Ministry

The Branch is a Gospel-centered Community of emerging adults who are on Mission to turn the world upside-down.

What’s the Branch about?


Someone says to you, “I have good news and bad news.” Which one do you want to hear first? Gospel literally means the good news, central to which is Jesus Christ. The Bible says the Gospel is nothing to be ashamed of, but rather it’s the power of God to save lives; to convict of sin, to restore relationships, to transform hearts, to generate real life, joy, and a faith that pleases God. That’s Gospel.


I once saw a guy on a street corner holding a sign that simply said, “Lonely.” Let’s face it, life is better together. Where common interests – hobbies, friends, jobs, struggles, etc. – are mashed up with togetherness, there is comm-unity. The Bible says those who first believed in Jesus Christ were always together and held everything in common. They were characterized by unity and generosity; others-first love for one another. That’s community.


Remember show-and-tell time in elementary school? That’s our mission. Truth is, when the gospel touches a community, purpose is enlivened. The Bible says Jesus went around showing and telling people about the gospel. Then he told those who believed in him to take the gospel that changed their life and show-and-tell it; live it and talk it, here and there and everywhere, so the gospel may spread and community may grow. That’s mission.

Zecharaiah 3:8 ESV - "...behold, I will bring my servant the Branch."


Acts 17:6 ESV - "...These [Christians] who have turned the world upside down have come here also!"


Zecharaiah 3:8 ESV - "...behold, I will bring my servant the Branch." --- Acts 17:6 ESV - "...These [Christians] who have turned the world upside down have come here also!" ---

Emerging Adult?

"Emerging" has been defined as coming into existence or coming forth from obscurity; becoming evident. "Adult" has been defined as one who has obtained maturity and responsibility in areas such as character and morality. These two intersect somewhere between ages 16 and 30ish. Welcome to emerging adulthood; welcome to The Branch. 

How can I get involved?

Whether you want to join the Bible study groups, pray for the ministry or find ways to serve, the best way is to connect with Pastor Andy Weeda, Pastor of Emerging Adult Ministries.

Get connected with the emerging adults ministry!