Women’s Ministry

What does Sunrise Women’s Ministry do?

  • Weekly Bible Studies

  • Meals for New Moms

  • Bridal & Baby Showers

  • Missionary Support

  • Food Bank

  • Funeral Care

  • Events

  • Craft Fair

  • Retreats

  • Fundraisers

Sunrise women’s ministry is open to all the women of Sunrise Baptist Church. The ministry has many different responsibilities and roles within our church. 

This ministry strives to offer women opportunities for Bible Study from September until May. Many women continue the studies throughout the summer as well. Our Bible studies allow us to dig into the Word together in small groups offering us times of sharing, insight, and fellowship with others. 

Besides the weekly Bible Studies, Women’s ministry seeks ways to serve and encourage families from in our community and congregation.  This is done by setting up meals for those who are recovering from recent surgeries, and/or sicknesses. We also provide meals for new moms who have just had a baby.

Women’s ministry also serves and encourages by organizing bridal and baby showers.  We set up a donation cupboard which is called “Loaves and Fishes” that has food and supplies for people in need.  This is located by the mailboxes and coat rack in the church.

Women from Sunrise also serve families that have lost loved ones the families by bringing cookies, providing coffee, and setting up the tables and chairs for the time after the funeral.

We promote awareness and support of mission and missionaries from our church as well as plan fundraisers for a variety of church and community projects.

Various events are provided during the year which bring the ladies in the community and from Sunrise a time to have interactions and fellowship with one another.  These have included a fall craft fair, mother/daughter tea, craft nights, women’s retreats, Making Christmas Merry and a mystery Bus Trip.

For current information and activities refer to the women’s ministry bulletin board located in the hallway near the fellowship hall.

For more information about women’s ministry contact Katie Longfellow or Sharon Williams.

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